Meat & Preservative free
Organic Rooibos and Chamomile infused with grapeseed oil
Tried and tested on even the fussiest canines
Excellent aid in reward training
Anti-allergic, anti-spasmodic, immune system booster.
Contains Iron, Potassium and Copper – for good metabolic function.
Contains Calcium, Manganese, Zinc and Alpha hydroxy acid – for healthy skin and bones.
Chamomile is a natural analgesic, anti-depressant, anti-rheumatic, anti-spasmodic, mild sedative and aids digestion.
The Rooibos oil and healthy dog biscuits also contain Grape-seed oil which is low in cholesterol, high in anti-oxidants.
Store in a sealed, airtight container.
INGREDIENTS: Organic rooibos, organic chamomile flowers, grapeseed oil, rice flour, oats, badger-friendly honey, free range eggs, plant-based natural mould inhibitor, water.
Registered with the Department of Agriculture.