Duck Necks – 500g

Free-range Duck Necks

500g vacuum sealed bag
Perfect breakfast or snack, ideal for medium and large breeds.


Availability: 10 in stock


No routine antibiotics or growth hormones

INGREDIENTS: Skinned duck necks

Raw bones are an excellent source of calcium and an important component in feeding a raw diet. It contains a variety of nutrients, fatty acids and vitamins. It will naturally clean your dogs’ teeth. Duck necks are also a natural source of glucosamine, chondroitin and omega-3 fatty acids, which promote joint, skin and cellular function. These key nutrients can help to keep your dog looking young and feeling playful.

Bones must be fed raw. Never feed cooked bones which can splinter and cause digestive problems. Always supervise your pet while eating any bone.

Keep frozen until needed.

Weight 0.5 kg