And that it is! It took more than 10 years of solid graft to get our business, and life, together in Cape Town; our only reprieve being the attention of our beloved Jack Russell who was joined at the hip throughout this time – at work, at home, weekend walks and on holidays. Her name was Roxy and she passed away last year at the age of fourteen. As anyone who has experienced similar would know, we were totally gutted by this. But you move on; we started the latest chapter in our lives in a more cohesive environment firstly with the addition of Abby, our Beagle, and more recently Stevie, a short-legged Jack Russell.
Abby’s tail is long and slender with a white tip, it makes it easier to spot her when she’s foresting or mountain climbing. It is however a contrast to her rather unladylike frame, beautiful though it is. When Stevie was a puppy his tail did draw attention as it was very disproportionate to his body, a bit like a squirrel. Fortunately he has grown in to it, and whilst still substantial is more in proportion and jack-rusellish.
Now why this apparent fixation with the tails? The 2 dogs have become best friends and we get endless back-end views of them next to each other; running through the house, standing on the patio table doing look-out over the perimeter wall, rushing along the beach into the waves or chasing ball at the park. Kobus (Dad No.1) coined the phrase “A tale of two tails” and it sort of became symbolic of where and who we are now with our furry family.
We pay proper attention to their health and well-being, and given our own lifestyles don’t really carry the same emphasis I suppose we’re well placed to provide some balance…. or rather it’s not perfect but we do our best. The one area we focused on is their diet. Abby started out with top of the range kibbles. The later advent of Stevie brought strong recommendations by his breeder to move to a raw food diet.
And so started our journey. We decided give the raw meat diet a go, the arguments for it just made sense, even though it was quite a jump from our comfort zone. We settled on top of the range Paleopet Pure which has the added benefit of great packaging options, so as newbies we didn’t really have to cross that bridge of spooning out raw meat. The change in the Beagle was remarkable; she lost weight, her coat is fantastic and her general demeanor improved. And the Jack is just fine and also in good shape. So taken with it, and looking for a business side interest, we became the distributor for PaleoPet Pure in the Western Cape via this online shop RoxBox. Besides having fun running the business and meeting all our furry customers, an important aspect is the assurance the cold chain is maintained right to our customers’ freezer.
Our dogs are happy and healthy; they bring us tremendous joy and we love the outdoors with them. We’ve done right by them and they reward us in so many ways. We have a wonderful business selling quality product we believe in and which is also part of our lives. The world is in it’s place …. A Tale of 2 Tails. Roxy never had a tail, but I know she would approve and somehow she still seems part of it